January 06, 2009

Japanese tea ceremony Bonenkai report

As I promised in my previous post, here is (a bit late) the report of the Bonenkai tea ceremony. I was afraid that I would forget my camera, and indeed, I did... However, we had a lot of tea because most of the students were given the year's final chance to Practice their preparation ritual. Some only did Sumitemae and Gozumi, while others whisked their final green tea froths. When my turn came, I felt comfortable and relaxed,but my weak point is that I often forget to take the lit from the Mizusashi before pouring hot water in the Chawan. Luckily my tea teacher was explaining something to other students, I guess she trusts most of my preparation movements and let me move freely without giving too many comments. I know this is not always good, there are tea teachers who are much more strict and unfriendly than mine. I think that is another reason why I am still able to cheerfully practice the Japanese tea ceremony. Making the same mistakes for months in a row, my tea teacher has great patience.

Anyway, after the four hour long tea Keiko, we the students and the teacher as well, were pretty beat, and so we went to a nearby Sushi master who always seems to have the best fish and most original dishes.

It was a great way the end the year, with this Bonenkai lesson and Sushi.

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