September 15, 2008

Mito Kairakuen Kobuntei tea ceremony

Kobuntei is an old villa within Kairakuen park. Kobuntei was build by a Samurai named Tokugawa Nariyaki as his summer villa. This Kobuntei villa is still in very good shape and open to the public for about two hundred Yen on normal (event less days) . Yesterday I attended a Japanese tea ceremony Chakai within the villa hosted by the Omotesenke school of tea. It was such a great tea ceremony because from the Kobuntei we could see the full moon rising above the trees while sipping a delicious cup of tea. I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of the Kobuntei villa and the full moon turning yellower as the minutes went by, that I hardly paid any attention to the Temae performed by an experienced tea ceremony teacher. the sweets which came with the tea were really delicious but I still regret leaving my camera at home...
My own teacher was with me while enjoying the full moon rising and she told me that on every first Sunday of the month there is a tea ceremony at the Kobuntei. If I had known that I would probably have been there more often to enjoy the Japanese tea ceremony.

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